Masonic Mosaic
Foundations of a World under Construction
David Harrison
In this second collection of Masonic essays, historian and Masonic scholar Dr David Harrison has put together a number of his past papers and articles, including examinations of literary figures who were Freemasons, such as Bram Stoker and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, looking at how Freemasonry influenced their creative ideas and their writing. Papers on natural philosophers such as Dr Jean Theophilus Desaguliers and men of the Enlightenment such as Thomas Garnett continue the theme of Masonic personalities; Desaguliers and Garnett being examples of men who attempted to make the world a better place with scientific ideas and education. There are essays on esoteric writers such as Godfrey Higgins, and an exploration of the similarities in certain practices between Freemasonry and the Sufi Orders of the Balkans, the collection being completed with Harrison's award winning paper on the Liverpool Masonic Rebellion. This new collection certainly presents an eclectic mix of Masonic history, though the reader will find similar themes running through each piece; themes that resonate the search for the hidden mysteries of nature and science.
- Autores contemporáneos
- David Harrison
- Colección
- Materia
- Ensayos actuales, Libros en otros idiomas
- Idioma
- English
- 9788418379796
- 978-84-18379-79-6
- Depósito legal
- AS 00279-2021
- Páginas
- 218
- Ancho
- 14 cm
- Alto
- 21,6 cm
- Edición
- 1
- Fecha publicación
- 10-05-2021
- Contacto de seguridad
107,79 R$377,66 MX$18,72 US$18.397,11 AR$17.738,93 CLP79.665,60 COP70,64 PEN785,37 UYU
Sobre David Harrison (Autores contemporáneos)
A look at my book Masonic Mosaic; the second collection of my Masonic articles and essays
Bram Stoker, Freemasonry and the Byronic Hero 17
Thomas De Quincey: The Opium Eater and the Masonic Text 31
A Masonic Conundrum: Freemasonry, Gentlemen's Clubs and Jerome K. Jerome 41
The Masonic and Esoteric World of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 51
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, John Dickson Carr and the Detection Club 63
Dr Jean Theophilus Desaguliers and the Newtonian System of the World 69
Godfrey Higgins, Anacalypsis and the York Grand Lodge 83
Thomas Garnett, the Lodge of Lights and the Radical Enlightenment 95
Oronhyatekha and the Independent Order of Foresters 111
Freemasonry and the Islamic Mystical Movements of Balkan 119
The Lost Goddess and the Third Pillar 135
A Most Miserable Trade 151
The Liverpool Masonic Rebellion and the Grand Lodge of Wigan 163
Select Bibliography 207
Index 211
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