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    The Other Brotherhood

    When Freemasonry Crossed the English Channel

    “This new book by Darren Lorente-Bull The Other Brotherhood: When Freemasonry Crossed the English Channel is an excellent book, being perfect for Freemasons and non-Freemasons alike who want to explore the origins of Freemasonry and to examine how it influenced French thought in the eighteenth century to become a unique but equally diverse society. Lorente-Bull also discusses the Grand Orient de France and the development of Co-Masonry, esoteric and philosophical elements, and the many transitions that the society has gone through. In short, this book is a must for everyone with an interest in Freemasonry, and even rounds off with a collection of insightful interviews with present day Freemasons, which give a contemporary view of Masonry. A great book.”
    Dr David Harrison

    Autores contemporáneos
    Ensayos actuales
    • English
    Depósito legal
    AS 02283-2019
    14 cm
    21 cm
    Fecha publicación
    Contacto de seguridad
    Edición en papel
    14,99 €
    90,72 R$317,23 MX$15,41 US$15.329,22 AR$14.780,79 CLP66.380,62 COP58,86 PEN654,40 UYU
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    Sobre Darren Lorente Bull (Autores contemporáneos)

    • Darren Lorente Bull
      Darren Lorente-Bull (Londres, 1972) estudió Letras en la UNL (Universidad del Norte de Londres) y es autor de varias obras sobre masonería como Krause, escritos masónicos, Y las montañas se movieron, More Light: Today's Freemasonry for men and women con el celebrado escritor Juli... Ver más sobre el autor



    CHAPTER 1 | Seeking a definition 13 What is Freemasonry? 15 CHAPTER 2 | The Origins 27 Where did Freemasonry come from? 29 The Operatives 30 The Ancient Charges 32 The transition from Operative Freemasonry to Speculative Freemasonry 36 The United Grand Lodge of England 40 CHAPTER 3 | French Freemasonry 47 Some early Fringe orders 49 French or continental Freemasonry 53 Philosophical and literary influences 57 Mystical and Chivalric influences 64 The French Revolution 66 CHAPTER 4 | The birth of Liberal Freemasonry 73 The Grand Orient of France 75 The Grand Lodge of France 88 Le Droit Humain 89 Le Droit Humain in Great Britain 93 CHAPTER 5 | The uses of Freemasonry 101 Political Freemasonry 103 Esoteric Freemasonry 107 Philosophical Freemasonry 110 CHAPTER 6 | Universalism 113 The Appeal of Strasburg 115 CHAPTER 7 | Conclusion 125 APPENDIX I | RITUALS 135 A note on Ritual 137 The Emulation Ritual 139 The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite 142 The French Rite 146 Lauderdale Ritual 147 APPENDIX II | INTERVIEWS 151 Javier Otaola, former President of CLIPSAS 153 Julian Rees: Between Masonic Worlds 162 Philippe Bodhuin, Grand Orient of France 172 Lorena Clara: The female perspective 181 REFERENCES 193 ONLINE RESOURCES 194 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 197


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